Hey there cyber world! Happy Saturday night!! I for one have had a VERY productive day and so has Jared! Just wanted to share real quick with y'all out there! Today's MAIN project was to GET ORGANIZED, so basically I can tell what kind of clothes I have so I don't wear the same things to work over and over again like I've been doing sense August of last year.
Okay here is some back story. August 2011 was the month Jaclyn, my sister, and I did not renew the lease on our apartment and moved back in with the rents. We did not renew because I was getting married in November and she didn't want to carry the rent on her own until she could find someone else to pick it up. So Alas back to the rent's out we both went. Well sense Jaclyn was going to be staying for an undetermined amount of time and I was well about to move right back out ALL my stuff got put in the garage. Clothes included. SO essentially besides about 2 weeks worth of outfits (or pieces to put different outfits together) everything else was packed up, in the garage or so disorganized I was too overwhelmed to try to find it. Let just say to put that I was 'living in an episode of Hoarders" is an understatement. Any who Jared and I closed on our home about 5 days before the wedding and then we were gone to Mexico for 7 days after that SOOOO my parents were so tired of all my crap being EVERYWHERE in their house they blessed us by organizing a moving party and moving us in while we were gone! Which was such a HUGE blessing because we both had to go right back to our jobs when we got back. SO needless to say everything has been a little disorganized ever sense. So today I woke up and decided, this is the last day I live without my clothes. And so it began......
Here is a glimpse of what I started with. This did not count the MOUNTAINOUS PILE of clothes in the floor.
After about 5 hours, some lunch, like 10 million loads of laundry and three Mountain Dew Code Reds (I love those things) Later this is what I ended up with, and I have to say, ever I am impressed with myself on this one....
Everything is color coded by sleeve type AND goes from lightest to darkest as best I could.
Shoes were all tucked away with care...
Here is a side by side comparison of the project. Mind blowing, isn't it? And the saddest part it, there is another load in the dryer that I have no hangers for... guess I'm going to Wal-Mart tomorrow!
And of course as promised a quick update on the fence. We were once again blessed by having AMAZING friends like Jared Tuttle who came and work on the fence yesterday (because the weather forecast said it was going to rain all day, weatherman you should be fired because it was sunny and 70 thank you very much) AND he came today as well to finish up. Jared Tuttle you are one rad awesome beast at building stuff and we couldn't not have done this project without you! We are eternally indebted to you and Tristan!
Josiah also stopped by to help! Thanks Josiah! Josiah is another blessing in out lives, he is always around to lend a helping hand!
AND.. drum roll.... the next project (which I also started today, yay caffeine) is the Kitchen Cabinets, here is a brief look of the "before". Hopefully the after will be MUCH better! They are already turning out great so far!
... yeah that wasn't supposed to happen... Home Depot tomorrow too!
Well cyber world that's it for this post! Look out for the Finished Cabinets next time (hopefully tomorrow! :) )
As always thanks for reading and have a blessed night!
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